Tuesday 5 February 2013


So I've been quite rubbish at this blogging thing!
So here's an update on what's been going on...

Guinness is now 18 weeks, and the naughtiest little puppy ever! 
Although he looks so sweet and innocent he seriously isn't! 

I've been crazy busy at work, and started my NVQ feels very very odd actually having to do written work that has to be handed in too be marked! 
I'm looking to get a new camera too, but for the time being most pictures are courtesy of my i-phone which was kindly gifted to me from my lovely Daddy. 

I'm currently trying to eat much healthier as I'd like to be in shape for my holiday in July, hopefully we will be going to Italy, last year we went to Sorrento and it was bellisima! I've been using my fitness pal, which is slowly becoming my new best friend! 

As for best friends I'm currently missing mine loads! She's currently travelling in the far east, and I haven't seen her since November, it's been very odd adjusting to not being able to pick up the phone and chat whenever we want, but we've spoke whenever possible! 
I've got a special post planned for he Birthday which is coming up on the 14th!

I just want to take the time to say Lally I miss you so much and can't wait for you to get back! 

Anywho that's what's currently going on with me! I will try my best to update during the week!

Hannah -ox