Sunday 4 May 2014

The other 'f' word.

Hello tiddly peeps! I realise it's been some time since I wrote on my humble little blog! 
Today's post is different to my beauty posts it's about that other 'f' word, it's something I feel that as of recent had plagued my life. 
If you haven't already read my weight journey post, then you won't know that weight is something I've always struggled with. I get stressed I eat I put on weight. Simple. 
Now the real reason I'm posting this is after witnessing a conversation in Sainsbury's the other day, where a girl of around 12/13 told her mum she was fat. (Baring in mind I've seen more fat on a pork chop). I was utterly stunned when her mum then turned to her and said 'well I've been telling you you need to go on a diet for months.' Right then and there I think my heart broke, knowing how it feels to be that young and be so unhappy about yourself. 
I've come to the conclusion that there seems to be two types of women in this world, those who celebrate femininity whether your petite or of the more voluptuous variety. 
And those who feel it is adequate to pick apart others because they don't fit in 'perfectly'.  Don't be this woman. 
I've come to the decision from now on that whenever I even think something negative about another person I will give myself a good talking to and try to recognise the real beauty in them. 
This post is dedicated to all girls who have ever felt insecure about their appearance. 
You are not a weight on a scale, a picture on Instagram, you are not the comments you receive good or bad. You are a beautiful creation, you are your mind and your charm and wit. 
Don't ever put yourself down. Own your body because it's the only one you'll ever have. If you want to change something do it only for yourself. 
Don't think that because you're not societies ideology of 'perfect' you're not allowed to love and be loved. Let me tell you any man who judges you solely on what junks in your trunk needs driving off the edge of a cliff. 

That's it then. Let's ban the other 'f' word and celebrate ourselves for the beautiful people we are. 

Finally if you read this post and still have the audacity to call a sister fat. Then your an absolute fucking idiot. Yes that's the real 'f' word right there. 


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