Wednesday 19 August 2015

A little update.

Hi everyone. I know I'm always promising more regular updates on here but sometimes I struggle to find the time and the words to put together a blog post. 
So here I am, only four months on from my last post!! 
As you'll know I've been on a journey to better myself both physically and mentally since my 21st birthday, and to date I've lost 43lbs (3st 1lb) in weight, which I'm really quite chuffed about. Below is my comparison pictures so far! 
It's hard to believe how far I've come in 10 months, and hard for me personally to really grasp how much my body has changed. 
This journey has been to me both physical and mental, and I've truly had to face some of my inner demons head on. I have always been a comfort eater and I'd be lying if I didn't say I still have days where I think 'f*ck it, I'll just be fat'. 
I'm still struggling to see that the person I see in the mirror is over 3 stone lighter from that person 10 months ago. I think this is going to be a more long term issue than I had planned. 
Mentally I feel much more well than I have done in a while, I'm sleeping a little better, and having less panic attacks. I'm trying to find a happy medium between doing things for others and doing things for myself. I do plan to do a more substantial post about my anxiety and depression but it needs a lot of thinking over before I send it out into the World Wide Web. 
Although I still have a way to go I'm feeling positive that everything I set out to  do last October so far has gone to plan; ive still got some way to go and would like to lose a few more lbs before my 22nd birthday, but right now I'm feeling anything is possible. 
Hope everyone is well 

Hannah  xx

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