Saturday 19 March 2016

Why I gave up chocolate for Lent 2016.

For those who don't know, we are currently in the midst of lent. A Christian time of fasting and remembering the time in which Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights (Sunday's are not included, however you are still supposed to fast these days too). Easter begins on Good Friday which is a week today, it is one of my favourite times of the Christian calendar as it feels like a time for new beginnings and new life. 

This year on pancake day, I said to Tim I wanted to give up chocolate for lent, he chuckled at the thought and continued making his mountain of pancakes. 

It's only since adulthood that I've really become obsessed with chocolate. I remember when I was little I'd get about 10 Easter eggs and they'd still be around come Christmas. I realised since Christmas I had began to rely heavily on a chocolate fix each day. If I didn't have it I would get headaches. Particularly so when I was at college. 

I felt I had to do this not only to break the habit and the addiction, but also because I wanted to strengthen my relationship with God. 

Regardless of what you believe religion wise I've always believed in God and a higher being. I've regularly been criticised for this. But it is my belief and I solely stick by it. 

Surprisingly I'd never given up something for lent before. However this year I was determined too. I had so much self doubt in the first week, along with headaches I was having dreams about chocolate. As strange as this may sound I felt that I was being tested. 

I'm not actually going to eat any chocolate until Easter Sunday when Jesus has risen again. Although I'm looking forward to it. I'm also quite proud that I have made it so far with only a week to go. When it was only a month ago I was thinking 'I'll never make it'. It's amazing what your belief in God, and yourself can do. 

Did you give anything up for Easter? 

Thanks for reading 

Hannah xo 

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