Monday 10 December 2012

A new addition to the Cawthray family!

So 3 weeks ago my Dad and his wife decided to get a new addition to their home...

Did you just die from cuteness overload? This is our little baby Guinness, who is 10 weeks old today!
He's a Patterdale Terrier, and seriously the cutest thing ever, when I posted this picture on my Facebook some people even questioned whether he was real!
However being so cute it's hard to implement some discipline...

Here he is being caught chomping on my slipper and he looks at me with that face as if to say
"I'm a puppy it's my job"

Just thought I'd share him with the blogging world and let you all "oooo" and "ahhhh" over him.

- Hannah ox 

Oh ok then one more picture...

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