Tuesday 13 August 2013

Review: Sheet Masks

So once again I'm taking a hit at blogging...
I thought I'd start off easy with a review on a product that was actually bought to my attention by one of my favourite beauty bloggers Karen or as others may know her Liverpool Lashes.
I was intrigued by a post she had done on sheet masks, at the time of reading it I was wearing a tea tree and witch hazel peel off mask and I always hate the task of having to remove face masks (it's just messy and gross).
I immediately searched for the masks on Ebay, found them -I also found some other dodgy items that I won't go into, I purchased the sheet masks (none of the dodgy items!) and they soon arrived. 
Here they are the Sexylooks Sheet Masks, I ordered six for around £7.00.
The information on them is all foreign, so I guessed and applied one to newly cleansed skin for around 10-15 minutes.
Although I don't get a wow affect and there are no really noticeable differences in my skin I do notice that my skin looks brighter and definitely softer. 
I would definitely recommend to anyone who likes a good pamper now again as they are so easy and fuss free, there's not additional scrubbing or washing and they are not overly pricey. You can also send people scary snapchats and remind them of the 'Mrs Doubtfire' putting her face in the cake moment! 

Attractive ey?

Anyway Thank you for reading,
and if you do purchase these I hope you enjoy a lovely pamper!
Hannah -ox

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