Monday 19 August 2013

Review: Village Candles

I love candles and for a long long time I have always swayed towards Yankee Candles, they always seem to carry the best scents, the jars are lovely, and they fill your whole house with gorgeous fragrance.
While shopping in York a couple of months ago I found a shop on Davygate owned by a very lovely and helpful lady, I can't for the life of me remember the name but it is near Accessorise. The shop sold a range of Yankee candles, but none of  the fragrances really jumped out to me and to be really honest I had tried a fair few of them.
After having a little chat about what type of fragrance I liked she pointed out Village Candles, and directed me to try a scent called 'Cinnamon Bun'. It was PERFECT! Everything I liked in a candle and fragrance, and for a large jar was £14.95, whereas a large Yankee Candle jar can be priced anything upward from £19.99.

The similarity between the two companies is uncanny, they're both American and the jars are virtually identical.

However the major difference is that the Village candle is dual wicked, meaning when lit it burns much more evenly, and also seems to kick off a lot more scent. 
'Cinnamon Bun' smells identical to the real thing, although the colour of the wax itself may put some off it actually goes quite well with the colour scheme of my bedroom. Also the colour of the wax relates to the fragrance of the candle, so if you didn't like the colour you could choose a different fragrance.

Overall I think Village Candle's are really fantastic, and can't wait until I'm shopping in York again to pick up a different scent. There are also various sellers on Ebay, but I would always recommend smelling a candle before purchasing, as everybody is different and what I like somebody else might hate - like with perfumes!
If you are in York city centre and love candles I would definitely check out the shop I mentioned, they are also getting their Christmas fragrances in towards the end of August which would be great as gifts!
I'm still on the fence as to which brand I prefer best. I'll keep you posted! :)
Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

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