Monday 2 September 2013

The Alzheimer's Society Memory walk 2013.

On Sunday September 1st 2013
Me, some co-workers and family members did the Alzheimer's Society 10 km Memory walk around Harewood House estate in Leeds.
At first I was a bit dubious of the idea, although I did agree to do it, I hadn't put much thought into the reasons why I was.
I work as a carer for the elderly and albeit I have never experienced really severe cases of Alzheimer's and Dementia, I have come into contact with those affected by the illness, both tenants and their families.
The daily struggles faced by those suffering from the illness can mean that they become extremely isolated and alone, many family members struggle to deal with the problems on their own and only seek help when the symptoms are at the most extreme.
The key role that the Alzheimer's Society who are supported by Bupa want to play is putting the person first, taking their wants and wishes into account before treating the illness itself. 
In Yorkshire alone it is estimated that there are over 55,000 cases of Alzheimer's or Dementia, too put it into perspective it is like filling the KC Stadium in Hull... TWICE. 
I set myself the goal of raising £50 as this could send a Dementia or Alzheimer's sufferer to a Dementia Cafe once a week for a month. This helps not only to reduce the isolation a sufferer may face, but also gives care takers, and family members piece of mind and well deserved break.
I can gladly say that I outdid that and so far have raised a whopping £275.00! Altogether we have raised nearly £600 for the Alzheimer's Society, and we are all pleased as punch! 
The walk itself surprised us a little as it was very hilly, and towards the end I must admit I did struggle. 
We took an hour and 50 minutes to complete, which I am told is good as somebody of good fitness would average around an hour and 30 on this particular trail.
I must take this chance to say a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored us, and an even huger well done to the 600 people who turned up to do the walk itself. 
There is still time to donate on my Just Giving page, It is for such a FABULOUS cause! 

Here's a quick snap of me and my Step-Mum Sue before we set off. (Although the picture does make me cringe at my weight)
I walked for my Great Aunt Mavis, and my Step-Granny Pam.
I think Rebekah came up with the best quote for the day which was
"Although they may not remember us we will never forget them"

Thank you so much for reading and your support :) 
Hannah -ox

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