Saturday 14 December 2013

Collection Glam Crystal Eyeliners.

from left to right: va va voom, hustle, funk.

I was perusing the makeup stands in Boots a few days ago searching for a glitter eyeliner for the festive season, being that I was only really going to use it a few times in the next few weeks I wasn't really wanting to spend a lot. 
I first of all checked Barry M and nothing really took my fancy, and then went on to the Collection stand, I then found these beautys! 
I couldn't choose which colour I preferred so ended up with three! 

Va va voom: A greeny blue and pink glitter, as you can see from the swatches above it is not as pigmented as the other two, but it is still super pretty none the less.
Hustle: A blue toned silver glitter, very very pigmented and beautiful!
Funk: A gold toned glitter, this goes literally with any eye shadow, and is a little more subtle than the other two shades.

These liners dry almost instantly, and don't transfer, they also don't flake so you don't end up with chunks of glitter down your cheeks!
The best thing is the price these are £2.99 each a real bargain particularly if you're on a budget this Christmas.
I would definitely recommend!

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

Thursday 12 December 2013

Yankee Candle: White Christmas

White Christmas is one of my all time favourite Yankee Candle scents, I fill with joy when it gets to this time of year and I can pull one of my reserves out and start burning it again!
It is very different from the traditional spiced scents that you usually find at Christmas, don't get me wrong I do love these too but there is something about White Christmas that I just love more and more everytime I burn it.

The scent itself is described as 'woodsy evergreens' and 'freshly fallen snow', I'm not 100% sure what either of those things exactly smell like, the best way I can describe this myself is as extremely clean and fresh, when you burn it, it smells like you've just done a fresh load of laundry. I feel like this sort of scent is one for everyone as it's neither heavily floral or spiced. It smells similar to another one of my favourites balsam cedar.

If you haven't smelt either scents I defnitely recommend you giving them a sniff next time you're near a yankee store!

Thanks for reading! 
Hannah -ox

Sunday 8 December 2013

Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Cream

I recently got this eye cream in a sample, my under eyes get extremely dry so I have to regularly use eye cream. I love the Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair range and use the serum most nights, it's very good for acne scaring and pigmentation. I was eager to try this and it has last me a good couple of months. 

The cream itself is quite thick, but sinks into the skin nicely leaving no residue or stickiness. 
I love this product for giving added moisture however it has done nothing for my darker circles although I'm not too fussed about this.
This is quite pricey at £38.00 but I'd probably repurchase as it lasts a good length of time, I've also got a sample of the resilience lift eye cream so I think I'll try that out first before I decide! 
However for dry under eyes this is perfect and a nice overnight treat for your eyes! I would definitely recommend if you have a little extra money to treat yourself. 

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox  

Friday 6 December 2013

Loreal Made for Me Naturals.

I've said it before I'll say it again I absolutely love a nude lip, I think it can look really sultry and sexy. I realise it's not for everyone but I recently bought this in boots and it is a absolute perfect starter nude if you've never really ventured into them before. There's three different shades in the Made for me naturals range the one called 'Nude' is aimed at those with blonde hair supposedly but I'd say it could be worn by a range of skin tones and hair colours.

I absolutely adore this shade and I've been wearing it none stop! It also goes really nice with Mac strip down lip pencil.
I'd definitely recommend and at £8.19 it's definitely affordable!

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Emma Hardie Cleansing Balm.

Here goes another post about one of the most blogged about products on the internet, the Emma Hardy amazing face Moringa Cleansing Balm. First things first let me tell you now, if you haven't tried it... you NEED to, it's definitely worth the hype!
So let's start, the packaging is nice, and quite luxurious however now I'm getting to the end of this product it's getting a bit gross and greasy, but I do travel round with this quite a lot.

The general uses for this product are quite remarkable, it can be used obviously to cleanse and remove makeup, be used as a balm on elbows and knees, a lip balm, and also an intense treatment mask for dryer skins.
I only use it for cleansing, and I use it for my first cleanse, it's really luxurious on the skin and as you rub it in it becomes more oil like, it removes pretty much all traces of makeup, even waterproof mascara (it doesn't sting your eyes either). 
For me it is a little heavy to use alone so I always use another cleanser after.
When my skin is dehydrated I leave it on for 10 minutes and it gives your skin an overall brighter appearance and makes it feel much more plump and hydrated. 

I've definitely noticed a general improvement in my skin since using this, unfortunately I've had a huge hormonal breakout at the moment that no ammount of skin care will solve!
I wanted to really test this before I put it on my blog as sometimes I think you can be swept up in the hype. 
Although this is pricey at £34.00, but in my opinion it's so worth it, and I've just repurchased. 
This is comparable to philosophy's purity cleanser which is one of my all time favourites. 
Overall a huge win for Emma Hardie this stuff is amazing!

Thanks for reading guys!
Hannah -ox