Thursday 17 October 2013

Good Things Fresh Start Cleanser.

I mentioned before that I'm a huge fan of the Good Things range, I love the fact that it's all natural products, and free from all the nasties.
I use this cleanser pretty much every morning, it's really gentle yet leaves my skin feeling so clean and refreshed, it smells really fresh and I love the pomegranate as it wakes me up. 

The consistency is nice and thick, what I normally do is massage it into my skin then remove with hot water and flannel, I then follow with my Good Things Miracle Mattifier Moisturiser. It doesn't leave your skin feeling greasy or oily, just nice and refreshed and clean.
Overall this is a great cleanser for first thing in a morning, it doesn't irritate my sensitive skin, and just leaves my skin nice and refreshed. 

Another win for the Good Things range, if you haven't already tried something from this company you must! 
I'm almost certain you won't regret it! 
And for £4.99 is completely affordable.

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

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