Tuesday 1 October 2013

Soap and Glory's Heel Genius

Let's just take a minute to admire the amazing-ness that is Heel Genius ...

Some of you may know I'm a carer, which means working on my feet for long hours. Unfortunately it plays havoc with my feet and in particular my heels. Feet kind of weird me out anyway so anything that promises to make them a little more appealing is worth a try.
I picked this up in Boots at the hope it would help a particularly bad crack I had in my heel, it definitely did the trick. I used my pedegg and foot file as normal then applied this and a pair of cotton socks and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning the crack was pretty much gone! I was literally amazed. 

I really love the colour of this product, I know that's weird and makes no difference to whether it works or not, but I do. 
Heel Genius is much thicker than any foot cream I've used before, the one thing I will say is once applied do not attempt to walk on a laminate floor, not unless you want to do the splits involuntarily (I learnt this the hard way *blushes*).
I would definitely recommend this to anyone. I personally love giving myself pedicures, and this is definitely a fantastic product to get the same softness you'd get in a salon. 
Priced at £5.50 for 125ml it's a bargain too, definitely worth every penny, and like most S&G products it lasts ages! 
Thanks for reading, I hope if you try this you achieve lovely soft feet!

Hannah -ox

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