Saturday 19 October 2013

Original Source Shower Gels.

So I absolutely LOVE Original Source, their shower gels are seriously amazing. 
I recently bought the Lavender and Tea Tree one when it was on offer in Superdrug, I sometimes find that products that have Lavender in irritate my skin, particularly Radox ones do! Apparently it's something to do with how the scent/oil is extracted from the plant/flower.
This not only works really well as a shower gel but is also nice on an evening to have a nice relaxing bubble baths. 
I also love the Mint scent, and the Chilli and Cracked Black Pepper (mainly aimed at men but hey ho) scent, they both tingle the skin and leave you feeling really clean and awake! Particularly good for those mornings when your lacking a bit of get up and go! 

I'm sure most people in Britain have tried Original Source at some point and if you haven't I would definitely recommend!! They're usually on offer in supermarkets or drugstores too so very affordable! 

Thanks for reading today's post even though it was short and sweet!

Hannah -ox

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