Sunday 13 October 2013

Loreal Gentle Eye Makeup remover.

So recently in little blog land, there's been a huge hubbub about the Loreal 3 in 1 Micellar Solution, which of course I had to try, and actually wasn't blown away with. I never use Micellar solutions/waters to remove my foundation as normally they don't budge Double wear and if they do then they don't leave my face feeling remotely clean. I'd been using the Loreal one just to remove my eye makeup, which it was ok at, however I noticed that my eyelashes were starting to feel quite brittle and some had even broken.
I was away from home at work when this happened so decided instead of waiting (like any normal rational person) to go home I'd go to Sainsbury's and see if anything took my fancy.
Some may think it illogical to buy something from a brand I just decided I didn't like a product from but I knew that Loreal suited my skin and was unlikely to cause any breakouts and irritation. 
I came across this eye makeup remover and at £2.99 felt I couldn't go wrong.
This product is so gentle and nourishing on the eyes yet still manages to remove all traces of eye makeup, and a little bit goes a long way, it doesn't have much of a fragrance either. 
My eyes are quite sensitive and a lot of products tend to sting them or make them quite sore and blood shot afterwards and I was so happy that this didn't effect them at all! 

I feel like this was such a great find, and real hidden gem. I would definitely recommend to anybody particularly if you do have sensitive eyes, I've been using this since the beginning of August and so far have not had any brittleness or breakages in my lashes, I do not use this every time I remove my makeup as sometimes I do just use my EH cleansing balm to just remove everything.
Overall a win fr Loreal!

Thanks for reading! 
Hannah -ox

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