Sunday 27 October 2013

This Works Deep Sleep Bath Soak

Knowing that I am a really rubbish sleeper my boyfriend bought me this bath soak for my birthday. 
I've mentioned previously that my favourite pillow spray is by  This Works so I instantly had high hopes for the Deep Sleep Bath Soak. 

The Soak itself is bath salts, and they are lavender and vetivert scented, they claim to soothe and help you relax in order to get a good nights sleep.
I know plenty of people are skeptical about whether things like this will help you sleep, but let me just say this, the first time I used these afterwards I felt the most relaxed I'd felt in a very long time, even a very small amount creates such a heavily scented bath, which really does smell incredible.
The lavender also does not irritate my skin which can be common with some products.
 Obviously if you are sensitive to scents you may not love this product.
However I do not doubt at all it's relaxing ability this will definitely be a repurchase for me!!
It is fairly pricey for £22.00 for 200g, and is available from Feel Unique.

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

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