Saturday 21 September 2013

AS London Candle

I got this candle in my Beauty Advent Calendar last Advent, I took it out sniffed it, wasn't overly keen, so it has sat on my dresser ever since.
As of recent I have been trying to burn up some of my candles that I've had for a while to make room for some new fragrances I'd like to purchase. I picked this up and gave it a sniff and still wasn't overly keen, but decided to light it anyway to see what it was like.
Before I received this I have to admit I'd never really heard of AS London nor tried any products before, but was intrigued by their write up which said they use all natural, organic and fairly sourced products. I love companies that have good ethics.

I have no idea what the scent is supposed to be but it generally just smells like a mix of essential oils, which personally I have never been drawn to, when burning though they are not as over powering as I thought they might be and leave a fairly subtle fragrance in the room. 
The candle itself burns really clean because it is soy wax, and I do like this, it reduces the amount of soot which can mark walls and furniture, (also if you see the damage a candle can do to some things, think about the effect it has on your lungs! -Scary).
These candles retail for £36.00 per candle, and when looking on AS London's website there doesn't seem to be any clear indication at what size this is, the description of the scents are also pretty cryptic.
Overall, I love the ethics and the background to AS London, but the candle just doesn't hit the mark for me, I know the brand also has a range of skincare and bath products and I would probably try them out. But I feel £36.00 for a candle that doesn't appeal to me in scent or price, I wouldn't purchase full size. 
Thanks for reading! 
Hannah -ox

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