Friday 27 September 2013

Good Things Miracle Mattifier Moisturiser

Everyone has their own go to products right? Well this is my go to face moisturiser for my troublesome skin!
I love the Good Things range, I'm yet to try a product I haven't liked, the best part is that the products are really natural, while being free from parabens, sodium laureth sulphate, animal ingredients, and mineral oils, so are really guilt free!
I honestly bought this moisturiser on a whim, no researching and trawling blogs, no recommendations, it was just me in Sainsbury's looking for a new moisturiser to try and honestly it really paid off.
As I've previously mentioned on my blog I have really acne prone oily/combination skin, and I always struggle with moisturisers, I tend to be ok using one at first and then I'll either get a HUGE breakout or a nasty skin irritation. The majority of this range in my eyes is aimed at young, spot prone skin, and I almost felt like doing a little dance when I finally found a 'spot care' range that doesn't just bung a load of chemicals into their products.

The moisturiser itself is quite heavily scented of fruits, which I was pleasantly surprised by as I'd normally steer well clear of this. When you first squeeze it from the tube it appears quite thick, but as you rub it into your skin it is really light weight and sinks in immediately, no shiny forehead, and no nasty residue, just nice skin. 
This product is also called a 'mattifier' which it does live up to it's name, I'd say if you are very oily it's not going to make a huge difference, but to somebody with combination skin who needs a bit of help this is a great little product.
Whenever I have a breakout, or if my skin is just feeling generally yukky this is always the moisturiser I return to, I just love it. I'm currently suffering with chicken pox and I'm banned from wearing foundation, so I have been using this both morning and night in order to keep my skin moisturised, but without overloading it, or making it more sore!
I couldn't say anymore good things about the 'Good Things' range, but this is definitely my favourite product!
It's available for £7.99 for 100ml in Boots, but is also regularly on offer in Sainsbury's, a definite must try for a sensitive oily/combo skin!
Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

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