Monday 23 September 2013

Soap and Glory - Smoothie Star

I'm a huge S&G fan, every year at Christmas it is literally the theme of a large proportion of my presents... and I aren't complaining!
I've always been a fan of the Righteous Butter and for body moisturisers it's always been my go to, however I got two of the really big gift sets for Christmas last year which had the Smoothie Star body milk lotions.
I pretty much started using it straight away, I have rather dry skin and some eczema on my body (not my face, that makes up for everything in oil) so moisturising is a complete must particularly after a shower/bath.

Although it says 'body milk' it is actually fairly thick and luxurious and a little goes a long way, I'm onto my second bottle now since last Christmas so it does last a good while!
 It doesn't take long to settle into the skin either which is a definite plus for me as there's no awkward waiting around naked before putting your clothes on. 
I'm really finicky (if you haven't already noticed) about scents, this weirdly reminds me of shortbread, it's a definite milky sweet smell, which I do like, but it doesn't mix well with every perfume, so be warned!
I think my favourite thing about this is the pump, I love most things with a pump, it's hygienic, and there's no forgetting to put the lid on and the product getting a skin on top (trust me I've fallen prey to this a lot).
Overall I highly recommend this, it's really amazing for dry skin, and doesn't irritate my eczema, it's priced £10.00 for 500ml which is fairly reasonable particularly for how long this lasts, definitely a must try if you're looking to try something new!!

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

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