Thursday 19 September 2013

Review: Schwarzkopf Bonacure Oil Miracle.

In my quest to repair the damage I have done to my poor over bleached hair, I was recently given this by my hairdresser. I've never really tried much from Schwarzkopf apart from the new 'oilicious' styling oil (blog post to come soon) so I was quite keen to try this. 

I'm really on the fence with this one, even though I've been using it a good few months I neither love nor hate it. To be honest I have never loved any hair oils, I find them slightly 'faddy' and they really have never done a great deal for my hair apart from weigh it down and make it feel greasy.
The product itself is an emulsion (where one liquid is dispersed in tiny droplets within another liquid) and needs to be shaken well before use.

I do like the fact it is a spray, it means it can be evenly distributed through my hair, and doesn't leave my hands greasy from having to physically run in through the hair strands.
My hair does feel much softer and is much easier to manage, and over the past few months my hair has become a lot stronger but I really feel this is down to Keratase Ciment Thermique rather than this product. This is mainly due to the fact that I can't use this if I'm going to style my hair with any volume, as even though it is lighter than most oils, it still completely weighs my hair down, and by the end of the night it looks flat and greasy.
Overall I don't think I would recommend this product to anybody who has fine or bleached hair, it is nice when first applied but will just make you look a hot mess by the end of your day. However if your hair is quite thick and dry I think this is a great alternative to traditional hair oils that you have to disperse with your fingers. 
It is available on Feel Unique at £9.22 for 150ml which is reasonably priced, obviously I didn't pay for this product but I personally I wouldn't buy it for myself.
Still I am steering clear of the hair oil bandwagon. 
Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

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