Saturday 16 November 2013

Food Diary 11.11.13

Hello everyone! I'm back with another food diary post, I have stayed the same weight this week meaning my weightloss is still -2lb I was a little dissapointed but I've been having tummy troubles this past week so I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself.

This morning I had breakfast around 10:30 am I really fancied eggs, so I had a fried egg in a wholemeal roll with a banana, this really filled me up! I know fried eggs aren't the healthiest but I can't poach an egg to save my life. I also had my Seven Seas cod liver oil and multivitamins capsule with a pint of sugar free squash.

I actually didn't eat any lunch until 3:30 pm I got engrossed in wrapping Christmas presents, I had Pumpkin Soup which I made, I previously posted the recipe, and a added a piece of oven baked haddock which I'd put some spices on. It was so tasty, I really enjoyed this!

I didn't eat tea until 8:30 pm which is a lot later than usual I had a jacket potato with prawns in a 'seafood sauce' (ketchup with low fat mayo), I couldn't eat this all. 

My friend Louise also came round and we had a 'Merryteaser' Reindeer... It's really important in my opinion not to restrict yourself from things all the time, and to have a treat now and then. 

Overall I had 1218/1640, I didn't do any exercise today so it makes me feel better that I didn't consume my full calorie count (is that stupid?). 

Anyway Thank you so much for reading!
Hannah -ox