Tuesday 19 November 2013

Maple Syrup Cupcakes Recipe.

So this week Anna Saccone posted both a video and post on her blog with a recipe for Maple Syrup cupcakes you can see that here.
I love Maple Syrup and really wanted to try the recipe, however she made hers with Cornmeal, something that I was worried would effect my stomach. So I adapted the recipe to something I knew I'd be able to eat.

This was the result! 
So I thought I'd share my adapted recipe with you all. I also changed the recipe from cups to grams because I find that easier.

I used a typical sponge recipe which my Granny Pam taught me. 

Ingredients for the cake:

100g self raising flour (Anna does use plain but I was always taught you only use Plain flour for puddings, and self raising for cakes)
100g stork (Marg or butter work just aswell)
100g caster sugar
2-3 large eggs (will depend on the mixture)
tbsp of milk (I used almond milk as I don't drink cows)
2 tbsp of maple syrup

Ingredients for the Icing (this is virtually the same as Anna's):

50g of unsalted butter
2 tbsp of maple syrup
4 cups of icing sugar
1 tbsp of milk (again I used almond milk)

For the cake:

1. Preheat your oven to 160 degrees celsius, and put bun cases into a bun/pudding tin (this recipe made me 12 cakes).
2. Cream the stork and caster sugar until light and smooth, you then want to add an egg at a time along with a tbsp of flour (this will prevent the mixture from splitting) each time you add and fold in an egg. Once the eggs are added fold in the rest of the flour.
3. Finally you want to add the syrup and milk and fold into the mixture.
4. Spoon the mixture about 2/3 into the cases, you must leave enough room for the mixture to rise!
5. Place in the oven for around 15-20 mins, keep checking the cakes, but try not to open the oven door as the cold air can effect the rise and make the cakes sink.
6. When cooked you should be able to insert a metal skewer into the center of a cakes and it come out completely clean. Remove the cakes from the oven but leave in the tin for around 10-15 mins then transfer to a wire cooling rack and allow to cool completely.

For the icing/frosting:

1. Firstly I blended the wet ingredients together first, so butter, milk, and maple syrup.
2. I then added the icing sugar 1/2 a cup at a time, and mixed using a hand mixer, this does get quite stiff, but it wants to be in order to stay on your cake!
3. I iced each cake using a palette knife and smoothed the icing on. You can also use the back of a metal spoon. You must ensure the cakes are completely cool before icing or they'll begin to melt your icing.

The next part is completely optional! But I made some candied pecans, they are super easy to make, and so yummy!

You will need:
 a packet of pecans
1 egg white
2-3 tbsp of water
1 cup of caster sugar
2 tsp of cinnamon

1. whisk the egg white and water so that they are white in colour, and have a little bit of air in.
2. Add the sugar and cinnamon and keep whisking, it will resemble slightly that of making meringues however you don't want stiff peaks.
3. Stir in the pecans, add on to a piece of baking parchment on a baking sheet. You will need to bake in the oven at 150-180 for around half an hour, stirring every 10 mins.
4. Allow to cool and then break them apart, you can then add them to your cakes, you will have loads left over which make a really tasty snack/treat.

And here's the end result!
Super tasty, and pretty simple to make!

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

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