Tuesday 12 November 2013

No7 Make Up Brush Cleanser

I used to be a big fan of the MAC brush cleanser, and used it to spot clean my brushes over anything else, I was in Boots a while back with one of those £5 off No7 vouchers and loving a bargain I was desperate to use it however nothing was really jumping out at me, I was looking at the brush section when I noticed they had a brush cleanser which was £8 so with the voucher was £3... Bargain!

To be really honest I wasn't expecting much from this so was pleasantly surprised when I found it actually cleaned my brushed better than MAC's version! This cleans my brushes so well, double wear is extremely difficult to remove from foundation brushes it's quite water resistant, because this is alcohol based it helps to breakdown the makeup, and brushes that I once thought were stained forever are now like new. 

I use this to spot clean my brushes, and I still deep clean my brushes with baby shampoo every 2 weeks. 
This is a great product and if you get the £5 off vouchers you get it at such a bargain. I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a good and affordable brush cleanser.

Thanks for reading guys! 
Hannah -ox

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