Saturday 30 November 2013

Easy Peasy Pasta Recipe!

Sometimes you just need some good old comfort food, that's easy to make and doesn't matter what your budget is! This is my super easy pasta recipe that I make whenever I feel I need something a bit more 'substantial'. You can pretty much add anything to it, I rarely eat meat but this works well with white fish, prawns and chicken, and also tastes amazing with pretty much any veg added to it. Once you try it you'll be able to adapt the recipe to suit you!

-  200g Pasta (this recipe makes 2-3 good portions, you need 75-100g of pasta per person)
- Can of condensed mushroom soup (Also works well with chicken, I personally prefer the brand Campbells to others that I've tried, if you increase the amount of people this recipe is for you need more than one can) 
- A good handful of Mushrooms washed and chopped
- 2 Cloves of Garlic
-3 good sized green/spring onions
- 1 can of sweetcorn (you can also use frozen or peas add them to the dish frozen they will thaw with the heat of the pan) 
- 1 oxo cube (I used chicken but you can also use vegetable)
- 2 tsp of dried tarragon
- Milk (this will depend on what consistency you want your sauce)
- Olive Oil
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Grated Cheddar Cheese (optional) 

1. Cook your pasta according to the packet instructions, once cooked drain in a colander and set one side, rinse the pan so that you can then use it to cook the sauce in. 
2. Fry the Garlic and onions in some olive oil, you need to watch as garlic can burn easily, then add the sweetcorn and mushrooms and allow to sweat down.
3. Add the can of condensed soup and stir well, you then want to add the milk, the more milk you add the runnier your sauce will become this is down to preference, I normally pour the milk into the condensed soup can, measuring about 1-2 cans of milk.
3. Add the stock cube this helps the sauce taste less 'soupy', then add the tarragon and stir well, allow to simmer for a minute or two then add the pasta from earlier to the pan.
4. Stir well to ensure the sauce is evenly distributed, you can serve the pasta like this, or you can place into single serving dishes or one large casserole dish and grate cheese over the top, place in the oven for around 15-20 mins and allow the cheese to bubble. Another nice alternative is using breadcrumbs, which make a nice crisp topping. 
5. Serve as a main with salad or veg, or as a side dish.
 I'm almost positive you will love this as much as I do!

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

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