Wednesday 6 November 2013

My Favourite SPF!

I'm just going to put this out there...I do not wear SPF everyday, I tend to rely on my makeup for SPF protection. I realise people have different opinions on SPF, some sunlight is good for your skin, and in my personal opinion I do not feel that SPF is necessary everyday if I'm not spending a huge amount of time outside. 
I used to use the SPF 50 for face from La Roche Posay, and I really liked it for a long time, however my skin has changed, and not only do I feel that Factor 50 is maybe a little too high protection now, but I also found that I started getting little bumps under my skin after I'd been wearing it, and even when I would double cleanse. 
Obviously having sensitive skin has meant that some SPF's have broke me out like nobodies business, and I'm always cautious when buying them because the majority also don't seem to sit well with oily skin and give you a ridiculous shine.
By chance I picked the Solait SPF 30 up in Superdrug before I went to Portugal this summer, the thing that drew me in was the fact it claimed it had a 'light texture' and also that it was mattifying. I was so pleasantly surprised by this! I used it throughout my holiday and found no irritation, no shine and it protected my face from the sun perfectly, not a single burn!
I've continued to use this on days when I have wanted SPF protection in the UK and I still love it, it is hands down one of the best facial SPF's I've used for my oily skin, and it's also not got a hefty price tag!
I would definitely recommend! 

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

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