Sunday 29 September 2013

Schwarzkopf Got2b Oil-licious

It's a very rare occasion that I dislike something so much I won't use it. Unfortunately this is a rare occasion and I really dislike this product.
I know I mentioned in a previous Schwarzkopf post that I aren't a huge fan on hair oils, this is really personal preference and the fact they just don't seem to work in my hair. I think this oil really tipped me over the edge.
I realise this is not a hair oil aimed to really protect your hair or provide many benefits. It's marketed for 'tame and shine'. When I blow dry my hair I get a fair few fly aways so I aimed to use this for it's taming side.
Although I agree it did some what tame my hair, it completely dried it out, I don't know how I don't know why, but after a week of using it my ends felt really awful, and really dehydrated. As soon as I stopped using the product the problem ceased. 

I feel the oil is quite synthetic, it smells synthetic (and in my opinion not great), and is a very bright yellow colour. 
The next issue I also had was that it irritated my face, my hair is shoulder length, so it is fairly difficult to stop hair products getting onto my actual skin, and I started getting a skin irritation on my neck and jaw. I have sensitive skin so not everyone will find this.
Overall I just feel that this really missed the mark for me. This is available for £4.20 in most supermarkets and drugstores and I actually purchased it at half price so I don't feel like I have really lost out. 
This in no way would mean I wouldn't try anything else from Schwarzkopf my boyfriend really loves the mens hair range. I just really wouldn't recommend this product in particular!
Thanks for reading!

Hannah -ox

Friday 27 September 2013

Good Things Miracle Mattifier Moisturiser

Everyone has their own go to products right? Well this is my go to face moisturiser for my troublesome skin!
I love the Good Things range, I'm yet to try a product I haven't liked, the best part is that the products are really natural, while being free from parabens, sodium laureth sulphate, animal ingredients, and mineral oils, so are really guilt free!
I honestly bought this moisturiser on a whim, no researching and trawling blogs, no recommendations, it was just me in Sainsbury's looking for a new moisturiser to try and honestly it really paid off.
As I've previously mentioned on my blog I have really acne prone oily/combination skin, and I always struggle with moisturisers, I tend to be ok using one at first and then I'll either get a HUGE breakout or a nasty skin irritation. The majority of this range in my eyes is aimed at young, spot prone skin, and I almost felt like doing a little dance when I finally found a 'spot care' range that doesn't just bung a load of chemicals into their products.

The moisturiser itself is quite heavily scented of fruits, which I was pleasantly surprised by as I'd normally steer well clear of this. When you first squeeze it from the tube it appears quite thick, but as you rub it into your skin it is really light weight and sinks in immediately, no shiny forehead, and no nasty residue, just nice skin. 
This product is also called a 'mattifier' which it does live up to it's name, I'd say if you are very oily it's not going to make a huge difference, but to somebody with combination skin who needs a bit of help this is a great little product.
Whenever I have a breakout, or if my skin is just feeling generally yukky this is always the moisturiser I return to, I just love it. I'm currently suffering with chicken pox and I'm banned from wearing foundation, so I have been using this both morning and night in order to keep my skin moisturised, but without overloading it, or making it more sore!
I couldn't say anymore good things about the 'Good Things' range, but this is definitely my favourite product!
It's available for £7.99 for 100ml in Boots, but is also regularly on offer in Sainsbury's, a definite must try for a sensitive oily/combo skin!
Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Boots Re:balance Dream Pillow Mist Lavender

I'm a terrible sleeper, a really really terrible sleeper. I am planning a post about sleeping in general but I'm still deciding how I want to do it. 
In my long term quest to try promote some normality to my sleeping pattern I bought this pillow spray, I've tried loads of pillow sprays, and my favourite is from This Works, it is truly something special, however it's fairly pricey at £16.00 for 75ml so decided to buy Boot's alternative which is only £6.15 for 100ml.

I definitely prefer to use Lavender scented sprays as I find them the most relaxing, but you need to be careful as Lavender can irritate the skin so if you're really sensitive you may want to try something else like Geranium.
Pillow sprays are something I personally use to relax, it doesn't literally make me go to sleep it's just something to help me along the way.
Overall the boots version is average, I still prefer the This Works one, and would buy that over this one even though it is more expensive. 
I think if you're new too pillow sprays this is definitely a good first one to try, and it will give you some perception to whether or not pillow sprays will work for you, I realise that some people will think this is faddy, but from personal experience I really do think that they help.
I hope if you do try it, it aids you to a better nights sleep!

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

Monday 23 September 2013

Soap and Glory - Smoothie Star

I'm a huge S&G fan, every year at Christmas it is literally the theme of a large proportion of my presents... and I aren't complaining!
I've always been a fan of the Righteous Butter and for body moisturisers it's always been my go to, however I got two of the really big gift sets for Christmas last year which had the Smoothie Star body milk lotions.
I pretty much started using it straight away, I have rather dry skin and some eczema on my body (not my face, that makes up for everything in oil) so moisturising is a complete must particularly after a shower/bath.

Although it says 'body milk' it is actually fairly thick and luxurious and a little goes a long way, I'm onto my second bottle now since last Christmas so it does last a good while!
 It doesn't take long to settle into the skin either which is a definite plus for me as there's no awkward waiting around naked before putting your clothes on. 
I'm really finicky (if you haven't already noticed) about scents, this weirdly reminds me of shortbread, it's a definite milky sweet smell, which I do like, but it doesn't mix well with every perfume, so be warned!
I think my favourite thing about this is the pump, I love most things with a pump, it's hygienic, and there's no forgetting to put the lid on and the product getting a skin on top (trust me I've fallen prey to this a lot).
Overall I highly recommend this, it's really amazing for dry skin, and doesn't irritate my eczema, it's priced £10.00 for 500ml which is fairly reasonable particularly for how long this lasts, definitely a must try if you're looking to try something new!!

Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

Saturday 21 September 2013

AS London Candle

I got this candle in my Beauty Advent Calendar last Advent, I took it out sniffed it, wasn't overly keen, so it has sat on my dresser ever since.
As of recent I have been trying to burn up some of my candles that I've had for a while to make room for some new fragrances I'd like to purchase. I picked this up and gave it a sniff and still wasn't overly keen, but decided to light it anyway to see what it was like.
Before I received this I have to admit I'd never really heard of AS London nor tried any products before, but was intrigued by their write up which said they use all natural, organic and fairly sourced products. I love companies that have good ethics.

I have no idea what the scent is supposed to be but it generally just smells like a mix of essential oils, which personally I have never been drawn to, when burning though they are not as over powering as I thought they might be and leave a fairly subtle fragrance in the room. 
The candle itself burns really clean because it is soy wax, and I do like this, it reduces the amount of soot which can mark walls and furniture, (also if you see the damage a candle can do to some things, think about the effect it has on your lungs! -Scary).
These candles retail for £36.00 per candle, and when looking on AS London's website there doesn't seem to be any clear indication at what size this is, the description of the scents are also pretty cryptic.
Overall, I love the ethics and the background to AS London, but the candle just doesn't hit the mark for me, I know the brand also has a range of skincare and bath products and I would probably try them out. But I feel £36.00 for a candle that doesn't appeal to me in scent or price, I wouldn't purchase full size. 
Thanks for reading! 
Hannah -ox

Thursday 19 September 2013

Review: Schwarzkopf Bonacure Oil Miracle.

In my quest to repair the damage I have done to my poor over bleached hair, I was recently given this by my hairdresser. I've never really tried much from Schwarzkopf apart from the new 'oilicious' styling oil (blog post to come soon) so I was quite keen to try this. 

I'm really on the fence with this one, even though I've been using it a good few months I neither love nor hate it. To be honest I have never loved any hair oils, I find them slightly 'faddy' and they really have never done a great deal for my hair apart from weigh it down and make it feel greasy.
The product itself is an emulsion (where one liquid is dispersed in tiny droplets within another liquid) and needs to be shaken well before use.

I do like the fact it is a spray, it means it can be evenly distributed through my hair, and doesn't leave my hands greasy from having to physically run in through the hair strands.
My hair does feel much softer and is much easier to manage, and over the past few months my hair has become a lot stronger but I really feel this is down to Keratase Ciment Thermique rather than this product. This is mainly due to the fact that I can't use this if I'm going to style my hair with any volume, as even though it is lighter than most oils, it still completely weighs my hair down, and by the end of the night it looks flat and greasy.
Overall I don't think I would recommend this product to anybody who has fine or bleached hair, it is nice when first applied but will just make you look a hot mess by the end of your day. However if your hair is quite thick and dry I think this is a great alternative to traditional hair oils that you have to disperse with your fingers. 
It is available on Feel Unique at £9.22 for 150ml which is reasonably priced, obviously I didn't pay for this product but I personally I wouldn't buy it for myself.
Still I am steering clear of the hair oil bandwagon. 
Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Review: Mac Dollymix Blush

I got this blush last Christmas and I have to admit, I was so in love with an Estee Lauder blush I never really gave it a chance. Blush is one this I tend to not change up very often, I'm not sure why, as for everything else on my face i regularly swapped and changed!
Recently I pulled this out of my drawer and decided to try it, in the pan it is super scary, and is literally a bright redish pink. 

However this does not really transfer as bright onto the cheek, but is very buildable depending on how much of a statement you really want to make with your blush.
Much to my surprise I have really fallen in love with this blush, it has the perfect shimmer to it, and gives a really healthy glow, which I feel is much needed in the recent change in weather (we even put the heating on this week brrrrr it's cold).

Previously I have never really been wowed by the typical 'cult' Mac blushes such as 'well dressed', but I feel this is definitely going to be a staple in my Autumn/Fall Makeup. 
I'd definitely recommend to anyone who like me has been let down in the past by Mac blushes, I am yet to find a cheaper dupe for this as it is pricey at £18.00 but Mac blushes do last for ages, and I would re-purchase!
Thanks for reading!
Hannah -ox

Monday 16 September 2013

My Weight Journey...

Today's post is a little different, for a while I've wanted to write a post about the struggles I've had with my weight, and I feel I'm finally at a place where I feel comfortable speaking about it.
Firstly I'll talk about my current weight, although I won't publicly announce it, I aren't happy at my current weight, but I'm a lot happier than I have been in recent years. I'm a size 16 on bottom and a 14/16 on top, however having a size 36-38 E/F (it varies from where I shop) the size top I choose regularly has to be bigger to allow room for my bust. 
(This picture was taken at the beginning of September)
My issues with my weight have always been down to food, I've had a difficult relationship with food probably since I started puberty about 11/12, I always had a healthy appetite when I was younger, but as I go older and was aloud to eat what I chose I began to put on weight.
When I started secondary school I soon became conscious of my image, and I remember one night sitting and crying to my Mum about boys calling me fat. I decided to start losing weight, eating more veg etc. Like most girls I soon realised that skipping meals meant that you could lose weight much quicker, and I got to a point where I would have no breakfast, no lunch, a cuppa soup when I got in from school, and then I'd regularly try to avoid my tea but mostly would be made to eat it by my Mum.
(This is me around fourteen) 
I was soon very slim a size 10 and around 8 and a half stone. When I look at this picture now I realise that I was tiny compared to what I later became, however back then I still felt uncomfortable with my figure and regularly felt 'fat'.
As I got older I grew out of this particularly after getting a few stern words from Mum, I realised I did really love my food and that there was better more healthy ways to keep weight off.
By the time I was 15  I was about 10 and a half stone, and I didn't think much about what I ate, and when I started my first really serious relationship my weight soon started spiraling out of control. 
I won't go into the ins and outs, but towards the end the relationship was pretty sour, and I did a serious amount of comfort eating. I just kept getting bigger and I didn't even realise it.
 I ate anything and everything, my worst confession is once eating a 12 multipack bag of crisps, and a big bag of chocolate buttons (now this makes me feel sick) I was literally out of control.
(This is me near my 18th birthday nearly 2 years ago)
At my biggest I weighed a whopping 15 stone 4 lbs, and I was a size 20, everything about this photo makes me feel terrible, particularly the fact you can see my belly button through my dress. YUK!!
After long discussions with my Mum I decided to get help, in February 2012, I met with Bridget Freer and began a course of hypnotherapy, not only to help with weight loss but also to battle the long term issues I had developed with food. 
Since then I have never looked back, I have lost a substantial amount of weight, and I feel so much better and confident. I don't know if I'll ever be able to look in the mirror and like what I see but I am trying extremely hard. 
(This is me last year in June) 
Although I am slightly heavier now that in this picture above, I regularly use it as a reminder for how far I've come. I feel big headed saying I'm proud. But I am. 
I eat 3 meals a day, and I try to exercise as regularly as possible, I had a small break from trying to lose weight but I've decided to kick start again recently as I feel a bit frumpy and not my best. 
I have also started running again after about a 3 month break and was terribly shocked that my once 9 minute mile has crept up to just over 12 minutes (sob sob), but this has only made me more determined to improve. 
Now it's not necessarily about the weight on the scales but how I feel in myself. I no longer weigh myself everyday, or cut things out. I ask mysef if I really need it, or if I'm just eating because I'm bored.
For anybody trying to lose weight or fix bad eating habits Hypnotherapy is incredible, I also have had it for anxiety, and confidence in driving. 
If you are in East Yorkshire and considering it I really recommend Bridget she is a truly awesome person! 
Here's to the rest of my weight journey...

Thank you so much for reading.
Hannah -ox

Thursday 12 September 2013

Review: Philosophy Purity Cleanser.

I'm a huge fan of double cleansing, and for the first part of my cleanse I absolutely LOVE using Purity, made simple cleanser by Philosophy.
I first used this cleanser when I received it in my Beauty Advent Calendar last advent. I loved it so much I purchased the full size, which is fairly pricey £28.50, however you do get 480ml and this bottle has lasted me a good 5-6 months, and I still have around a 1/4 left.
It's a fairly natural product, with natural oils and no real skincare nasties which really attracted me to buying the full size. 
It claims to remove makeup, cleanse the skin and tone. However I only really use it to cleanse off the bulk of my makeup, and it is seriously good at that!
I wear Estee Lauder double wear foundation, and that is notoriously difficult to remove, I struggled for a long time to find something that could remove it all, and not break me out, or irritate my skin.

The product its self is like a thick liquid, it's much thicker than a cleansing milk, but not quite as thick as a gel or balm. I massage it in all over my face, including my eyes then remove with hot water and a flannel.
The scent is fairy herbal, and I wasn't overly keen at first but now it doesn't really bother me.
The only have two negatives about this product the first being that the packaging has a tendency to leak, the small version does come with a better closing top, the large version can open itself and make a huge mess if you are travelling!
The second being that if I use this product alone or as a second cleanse it has broken me out, it works perfectly for a first cleanse but when used as a second cleanse the natural oils are just too heavy for my acne prone skin. This however would seriously be amazing for more dry and dehydrated skin! 

Overall I seriously love this product, I recently bought the Ultimelt by Soap and Glory which just doesn't compare I will review this when I have given it a fair good testing. I also have purchased the ever famous Emma Hardie cleansing Balm which I haven't even opened yet.
It may be a while before I purchase the Purity cleanser again but there is no doubt about whether I will. It is truly one of the best cleansers that I have ever used! I really do recommend to anyone who is looking for a new cleanser. It is also available in boots in a 90ml trial size for £8.00 if the price tag puts you off!
Thank you for reading!
Hannah -ox

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Review: Sleek Rose Gold Blush

I'm just going to come out and say it... I really, reaaaally didn't like this blush.
I'm quite fussy when it comes to blushes, I prefer coral and peach tones.
 I was in Superdrug a while back looking for some drugstore blushes.
I was drawn to the sleek stand as I know it's quite a raved about brand in the beauty and blogging world. I  swatched Rose Gold in the shop and it seemed really pretty on the back of my hand and definitely a colour I would usually be drawn too, so I decided to buy it.

I know a lot of blogs suggest that this is a dupe for Nars Orgasm which I love, but personally I think it is much more coral toned.
Now...for the reasons I dislike this. When I apply this too my cheeks I'm left with nothing but a slight bit of colour and a lot of sparkle, don't get me wrong, I love a bit of sparkle but this just really didn't suit me. 
I feel that the sparkly bits in the blush, are not as finely milled as those that are in Orgasm, and instead of giving a healthy glow to my cheek just made me look a bit disco ball like.
I really have tried to like this blush, I've changed how I apply it, the brush I apply it with, and even tried layering it. Still with no avail this is definitely a fail in my opinion.
It really did surprise me as SO many people seem to love this. 
I think I may give it to my best friend and see what she thinks.

I wouldn't tell you to not buy this as I feel there are a large amount of reviews that suggest this is a really great blush. 
Being priced at £4.49 I don't feel that it was a huge loss.
However this is one Beauty Bandwagon I will not be riding on.

Thanks for reading
Hannah -ox

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Review: Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Bronze

So a few weeks back I found this in my Mum's make-up drawer being very unloved and unused. Obviously being the good Samaritan that I am I offered to take it off her hands and use it. Previously I did own the Shimmer brick in the colour Rose, this was all very pink toned and really really beautiful! Unfortunately it met it's untimely end when I dropped it and it smashed.

I love this product and I use it as a highlight, it is similar to Dior Amber Diamonds although I don't feel that it is as finely milled. 
I tend to steer towards the lighter end of the pan as I am fair skinned anyway, but I love the fact that there are some darker shades in there, I have used these on the eyes before, and on my friend who is more olive toned than me.
(this picture is without flash.)
As you can see there is not a huge ton of colour pay off, so if you are actually looking for a bronzer this is definitely not for you. 
(this picture is with flash)
However if you are looking for a really pretty bronze toned highlight, I would definitely recommend this.

I think if I was repurchasing the Bronze or the Rose, I'd pick the Rose, simply because I feel it works the best on my skin tone and it is similar to Rose Diamonds.
I think that now the autumn months are drawing in and I'm turning away from the bronze colours, I will be definitely putting it on my wish list. 
Overall this is one of my favourite items from Bobbi Brown, and one I'm sure I'll be repurchasing. 
This item is available at Bobbi Brown counters in the majority of department stores retailing for around £32
It does come in a variety of shades (Bronze, Rose, Nectar, Pink Quartz, and Beige) so I am sure that there is something to suit everyone!

Thanks for reading! 
Hannah -ox 

Monday 2 September 2013

The Alzheimer's Society Memory walk 2013.

On Sunday September 1st 2013
Me, some co-workers and family members did the Alzheimer's Society 10 km Memory walk around Harewood House estate in Leeds.
At first I was a bit dubious of the idea, although I did agree to do it, I hadn't put much thought into the reasons why I was.
I work as a carer for the elderly and albeit I have never experienced really severe cases of Alzheimer's and Dementia, I have come into contact with those affected by the illness, both tenants and their families.
The daily struggles faced by those suffering from the illness can mean that they become extremely isolated and alone, many family members struggle to deal with the problems on their own and only seek help when the symptoms are at the most extreme.
The key role that the Alzheimer's Society who are supported by Bupa want to play is putting the person first, taking their wants and wishes into account before treating the illness itself. 
In Yorkshire alone it is estimated that there are over 55,000 cases of Alzheimer's or Dementia, too put it into perspective it is like filling the KC Stadium in Hull... TWICE. 
I set myself the goal of raising £50 as this could send a Dementia or Alzheimer's sufferer to a Dementia Cafe once a week for a month. This helps not only to reduce the isolation a sufferer may face, but also gives care takers, and family members piece of mind and well deserved break.
I can gladly say that I outdid that and so far have raised a whopping £275.00! Altogether we have raised nearly £600 for the Alzheimer's Society, and we are all pleased as punch! 
The walk itself surprised us a little as it was very hilly, and towards the end I must admit I did struggle. 
We took an hour and 50 minutes to complete, which I am told is good as somebody of good fitness would average around an hour and 30 on this particular trail.
I must take this chance to say a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored us, and an even huger well done to the 600 people who turned up to do the walk itself. 
There is still time to donate on my Just Giving page, It is for such a FABULOUS cause! 

Here's a quick snap of me and my Step-Mum Sue before we set off. (Although the picture does make me cringe at my weight)
I walked for my Great Aunt Mavis, and my Step-Granny Pam.
I think Rebekah came up with the best quote for the day which was
"Although they may not remember us we will never forget them"

Thank you so much for reading and your support :) 
Hannah -ox